01 May 2010

SL-Schnäppchen Hunt & Freebs

Actually my preferred Web-Blog for boring SL Days:

The makers of SL-Schnappchen Hunt & Freebs help us to find all the good things in SL für umme (for free). On their journeys throughot the grid the pick up the best pieces, create photos and put ap a SLUrl to the shops. So you see in advance, what you will get there - and prevents us to waste time and effort.

Originally that blog is in German, but many comments are translated, the pictures speak for themselves.
Have a look at: http://sl-schnaeppchen.blogspot.com/

19 April 2010

New Hall done

In a sense of being bored I took some time to help my dear friend Ice to build a hall for one of her next expositions. She has sent me a picture of the Pavillion Baltard in France. As its dimensions are much too large to put them 1:1 in SL, I've built a 'Pavillion Baltardesk' for her. It's footprint is 24x24 m. You can watch it soon at the Pre aux Art / Artsmeade on the nice made Sim Paris Academies.

I hope, my dear Lyne will enchant us with an exhibition of her fotos in this hall.