01 May 2010
SL-Schnäppchen Hunt & Freebs
The makers of SL-Schnappchen Hunt & Freebs help us to find all the good things in SL für umme (for free). On their journeys throughot the grid the pick up the best pieces, create photos and put ap a SLUrl to the shops. So you see in advance, what you will get there - and prevents us to waste time and effort.
Originally that blog is in German, but many comments are translated, the pictures speak for themselves.
Have a look at: http://sl-schnaeppchen.blogspot.com/
19 April 2010
New Hall done
In a sense of being bored I took some time to help my dear friend Ice to build a hall for one of her next expositions. She has sent me a picture of the Pavillion Baltard in France. As its dimensions are much too large to put them 1:1 in SL, I've built a 'Pavillion Baltardesk' for her. It's footprint is 24x24 m. You can watch it soon at the Pre aux Art / Artsmeade on the nice made Sim Paris Academies.
I hope, my dear Lyne will enchant us with an exhibition of her fotos in this hall.
28 July 2009
Sick of some sort of people
pretending to be your friend - and kicking you off later.
One lesson learned: rely on yourself, not on others.
People telling you, you became too important for them - so they had to avoid you... Telling you, that they worship your frinedship - and don't even react (or ever noticed) after you dumped them from your FL, because you don't want to be hurt again and again by there non-worshiping your friendship....
I don't mean SL only, it is RL too.
Maybe that's why SL can't bother me so much anymore. So if you don't see me that often in SL anymore, this is one reason.
And now, finallym the summer is great, so I better enjoy the garden :-)
16 February 2009
Hiep Hiep Hoera
From this side Klip I want to congratulate you with your rezdag and I hope you and I still may experience SL for a long time.
Big kiss from your good friend,
Badgirl Lyne
Freebie: Leatherjacket
Go here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/EDO%20JAPAN/107/202/27
14 February 2009
Where I live: München - Munich - Monaco di Baviere
08 February 2009
This has been puzzling me for a long time. Now, thanks to Mistress Marina Orlova of HotForWords, I think we have the answer!
01 February 2009
19 January 2009
Which Viewer Do You Use?
16 January 2009
Punk in Second Life
The Social SceneGive your second life some new glamour: become punk!!
is a punk club playing all the good music. Regular schedules and life DJs in the weekend. The Club and the environment are quite detailed, rotten look and lot of nice details. The dancefloor is far away from "Bits and Bob's" or "Sine Wave". It is pogo!
Black Maria
is a punk style mall with punk style fashion and stuff. A wide range of punk hairs in different cuts and colours starting at 80 L$. 4 Luckychairs give you the chance for a free hair. Roughly a dozen shops offer clothings, accessoires and apparel, lots of freebies, in nearly every shop.
From Klip's Picasa Webalbum My Punk Sista Kloud |
14 January 2009
13 January 2009
SHi Doll Gear - Freebie
The SHi Sexy Fashion Shop offered a range of nice looking Latex and fetish clothings over the last months. So they released dresses and catsuits and a lot of different boots. A very nice special of SHi is the "Freebie of the month" Every month they give away a new freebie - but not some old stuff or unsellable products, but a piece of there normal sales catalogue, eventually with reduced features or so. Now they released some fetish furniture - very cool look. It is a sort of Doll chair, sculpted dolls form the seat for the Domme. Instead of the sculpted dolls you can use your own slaves, of course. And now SHi gives away a full suit for your slaves to fit to the furniture: It contains a black Latex Suit (with small SHi logo), a drooling gag, red short shaft boots and a sort of collar plus a helmet. Worth a look, don't you think? The Slurl is this: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Jeulmun/217/217/739
More about Fetish Fashion? Read the SL Fetish Fashion Guide: Two latex fashion addicts feature and rate new offers in SL. Worth to read!
Ariel's Collaring Anniversary Day
Yesterday my dear friends Ariella Canning and Shadow Rochefort gave a party to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the collaring of TheAriel Voom, better known as Ariel. The party was at home on their own ground - and all the Lovely Dark Angels' family and friends came. I've met the Mistresses Ariella and Ester, Queen Shadow, saw Paulaa "Pipi" Pepper, Dawnn Destiny, Stephie Watkins, even june Forzane came, Eluned Sands, Troy Kronfeld, Cheryl Campese - and parts of my own family, Cord Beattie, Marlene Mendes and Trevize Yalin. And for sure I forgot a lot of names... *blush*
Anyway, it was a nice party and even after Ariel herself left, the others stayed together and still more people arrived to celebrate. The mood was good, and while Ariella served some red wine and somebody spent a joint to the crew, all were very relaxed and happy. Most of the subs and slaves were naked, and also the heads of the Angels showed some more bare skin - so it was a celebration of the bodies too....
I have made some pics, you can view them here
08 January 2009
Trevize Yalin
My former sub and wife Markie Reifsnider wanted to have an own sub herself - and I finally agreed, when I will be her Secondary Owner. This sub's sub was Trevize. So i know her for quite a very long time, since autumn 2007 I think. She was often with my wife and me and after some scepsis in the beginning i started liking her very quick. So it was clear, that she became my personal sub after Markie vanished from SL. In May 2008 she was collared by me.
Trevi is a bisexual submissive Italian girl with the biggest heart you can imagine. She is friendly, and generous. She has a true sense of humor - and understanding. Sometimes a brat and teasing, she is 100% loyal submissive - and loving friend. my little family wouldn't be half the fun without her. She does a lot to keep the family together. And she helped often through the dark hours after Markie's vanishing and death.
Her "third life" is Gor. She lives a Panther life at Damu Kabila Tribe. Alltho it is not my thing, I gladly permit her to be there.
Not enough of that, she is also a good latex designer, her "3vize Design" is legendary ;-)
Besides that, I love her - do I have to mention that ? :-)
07 January 2009
Lesbian Asian Teahouse
The sub line of the club is: "Sex in style, real women only". Well, as noone can guarantee the second part, I can agree to the first part of the line. The club consists from different rooms, one is a dance floor with some meeting areas, the second room is a playground. In addition, there are some shops in a little mall.
The ambiente is Asian style, very nice made, the base colour is red. On the walls you'll see a lot of vintage b/w photos of lesbian women. Is a very different style, and i like it.... somewhat innocent. Quite different from contemporary photography, which is very direct and pornographic, these fotos are erotic, even when you can look in open pussies.... There is a streaming channel playing chilling music, Lounge and downbeats.
Worth a visit: SL-Link: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Narugo/98/95/551
Marlene Mendes
Marlene is back. Again. She is my friend since ages, to speak in SL terms. I got in touch with her when I met Katja... long story, long ago. I've spent a lot of time with her and Katja, two of the few closer German friends I have. Since I know Marlene, she has her seasons, 2 or 3 months she is online nearly 24/7, followed by 2 or 3 months of 100 % absence. Her last offline season lasted nearly 6 months and I was afraid, she has left SL forever. But on Christmas Morning, Marlene came back.
Since May 2008 she is my sub, and I am very proud of her. She is my friend, my sub, a dancer, an escort, a slut, a bitch - with a lot of phantasy and heart. And one of the best friends you can have.
30 December 2008
Amethyst Collar Guide
Today I released the latest version of my Amethyst guide. I was so tired of searching all the commands and poses for the collar in different sources, note cards, help files, etc., that I collected them and made a printable Word document from it.
Since a couple of months I made it available for others too. As it is a living document, I integrated the latest changes Sensations made to the collar.
You will always find the latest version here: http://www.myway.de/klipklaar/
If you like it, pay me 19 L$ (yes, nineteen) inworld to show your appreciation :-)
Have fun!
25 December 2008
Merry Christmas to you all!
19 December 2008
18 December 2008
Happy Rezzday, Ice!
My friend and sub Iceman Arkin is now 2 years in SL - Congratulations!!!
When Ice told me half year ago, she was considering to search for a Mistress again, I told her - more for fun - come to me, there is a free leash and collar in my family. She accepted, and on 10 October she became my sub. And an even closer friend than before. I thank her for many pleasure and lots of good thoughts and talks. I hope so much we can keep that going for a long time. I love you very much!
Kisses and hugs, and a free evening on your rezzday,
Your Duchesse Klip
17 November 2008
Foto Sessions I
The last two weeks i had some foto sessions. It started with Leomaxx Sautereau, a friend of my sub Ice. She showed me 2 pics that Leo made from her and made a contact for me with Leo. Last week he made an intensive foto shooting with me. Now I got a very nice picture from him. I love it, Leo you are marvellous! I hope i will see lots more of your good work!
Kisses, Duchesse
03 September 2008
LUST UND LEID - "Man lebt nur einmal, genieße den Schmerz!"
Der Mensch kann heftigste Schmerzen ertragen, sagen Wissenschaftler - solange er nur selbst die Kontrolle darüber behält. Susi aus der Hamburger Herbertstraße stellt das täglich fest. Auf Spiegel Online erzählt die Domina, wie sie Schmerz und Lust fördert.
Das Verlangen nach Schmerz gehört zu den scheinbar unverständlichen Bedürfnissen von Menschen. Im 14. Jahrhundert zogen religiöse Geißler zu Tausenden durch Europa und peitschten sich blutig, einmal nachts, zweimal am Tag. Ihnen folgten der Ordensgründer der Jesuiten und Katharina von Siena. Lange gehörte die Peitsche in die Klosterzelle.
Domina: "Das Gefühl des Schmerzes belebt die Geister"
Im 18. Jahrhundert überhöhte sie der Marquis de Sade als Instrument sexueller Lust: "Ruten? Pflegst du denn zu peitschen, meine Liebe?", schrieb er in der 1795 erschienenen "Juliette". "Das Gefühl des Schmerzes belebt die Geister, indem es in den Geschlechtsorganen eine außerordentliche Hitze erzeugt."
Vor sieben Jahren nun fand David Borsook, Radiologe an der amerikanischen Harvard Medical School, im Gehirn Hinweise auf den Bund von Lust und Schmerz. Er setzte acht Menschen einem Temperaturreiz aus: Im Moment der Verletzung waren bei ihnen Hirnareale aktiv, die sich sonst bei eher vergnüglichen Unternehmungen wie Wein trinken oder Sex regen.
Ein Mensch könne, wenn er es denn wolle, heftigste Schmerzen ertragen, sagt Walter Zieglgänsberger, Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Klinische Neuropharmakologie. Solange er die Kontrolle behalte. "Darauf bauen auch die Masochisten. Sie können jederzeit sagen: Schluss!" Die Lust, so der Schmerzforscher, entspringe dem Gefühl der Macht. "Der Masochist unterwirft sich der Domina ja nur scheinbar. Ein einziges Wort - und er stoppt sie. Es ist ein Spiel in einer Scheinwirklichkeit, die keine Angst erzeugt."
Diese Erfahrung hat auch auch die Hamburger Domina Susi gemacht. SPIEGEL ONLINE erzählte sie, dass ihre schmerzsuchenden Kunden immer verrückter werden:
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Welche Wünsche haben Ihre Kunden?
Susi: Ich fessele sie zum Beispiel ans Kreuz und schlage sie mit nägelbesetzten Paddeln - aber nur, wenn man es hinterher sehen darf. Sonst muss man die Paddel ohne Nägel nehmen. Viele Kunden kommen, weil die eigene Frau zu Hause ihre Wünsche nicht erfüllt. Aber es gibt auch welche, die ihre Männer hier herbringen und hinterher wieder abholen. Die Leute werden immer verrückter.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Wie meinen Sie das?
Susi: Ich soll viel mit Strom arbeiten, Elektroden an Brustwarzen und Hoden legen. Und auch viel mit Nadeln, die steche ich in die Hoden, oft spritze ich vorher Kochsalzlösung hinein. Aber wenn die Kunden ihren Orgasmus hatten, muss ich mich beeilen. Da heißt es: Luft anhalten und - zack, zack! - die Nadeln raus. Denn nach dem Orgasmus empfinden die Gäste wieder ganz normal den Schmerz. Manche lassen sich auch einfach nur verbal erniedrigen: Sie wollen, dass ich viel rede.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Was erzählen Sie ihnen dann?
Susi: Manche wollen, dass ich ihnen alles genau beschreibe: den Flaschenzug, die Luftnot durch die Gasmaske. Und wenn ich dann die Instrumente zur Hand nehme, sagen sie: "Stopp!"
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Und dann hören Sie auf?
Susi: Sagt der Gast "Stopp" oder "Gnade", mache ich nicht weiter. Das ist die unumstößliche Regel. Ansonsten bestimme ich, was wir machen. Manchmal kommt ein Gast auch mal in den Käfig, unten im Keller. Und reden sie mich nicht mit "Herrin" an, werden sie bestraft.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Welche Bedürfnisse überraschen Sie?
Susi: Mich kann eigentlich wenig überraschen. Doch, als der erste Gast nach einer Vorhautbeschneidung gefragt hat, war ich überrascht. "Das mache ich nicht", habe ich gedacht. Doch dann habe ich einen anderen Gast gefragt, der ist Arzt. Seither schicke ich solche Kunden nach der Prozedur hier direkt zum Arzt, zum Nachbehandeln.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Wie haben Sie Ihre Tätigkeit erlernt?
Susi: Das hat ein halbes Jahr gedauert. Ich habe mich von einer anderen Domina anlernen lassen, habe viele Filme geguckt und Bücher gelesen. Wichtig ist, dass man den Männern die Scham nimmt. Es kommen Professoren, Rechtsanwälte und Prominente, die man jeden Tag im Fernsehen sieht. "Du brauchst dich nicht zu schämen", sage ich zu denen. "Man lebt nur einmal. Du kannst es genießen."
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Erleben Sie nie peinliche Momente?
Susi: Peinliche nicht. Einmal war es ein bisschen unangenehm, da begegneten sich Vater und Sohn bei mir auf der Treppe. Der eine kam, der andere ging. Wie die geguckt haben! Da habe ich sie beruhigt: "Ihr braucht euch doch nichts vorzuwerfen", habe ich den beiden gesagt, "ihr habt doch beide einen tollen Geschmack."
Die Fragen stellte Katja Thimm
© SPIEGEL ONLINE 2008 - Alle Rechte vorbehalten
26 August 2008
Klip Kovergörl
As a well known celebrety in SL, Klip Klaar again gave some exclusive interviews in leading magazines. The "Vague" of August opens with Klip on the cover page... wow!
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at MagMyPic.com
17 August 2008
Rotpaulette Carter
14 August 2008
Annie Westland, my sub and soulmate
We have a quite long history, I know her since end of 2007, when Annie was a free sub looking for a new Domme. I met her when I was dancing with Susi and Cord in a Dutch club. Annie is Dutch, and I can speak Dutch quite decent too. And as I like the way she is, her soul and her humor, I was happy when she finally agreed to submit to me. Our history had some ups and downs, so we had a time, when I was in bad mood and let her free, that she was not my sub any more. But in May we both felt, that this was no good idea, that we miss each other and on 5 May she accepted my collar again.
Since then our friendship became stronger and finally it became love. Annie is one of the few who are able to look in my soul and know me good - sometimes she knows me better than I do myself.
While she was not quite happy when I married Rotpaulette, I hope she accepts my offer to become my other wife.... my Soulmate.
Annie, ik zeg het hier in het openbaar: Ik hou van jou, ik geef om jou, ik ben zo blij dat ik je heb - ga nooit meer weg van mij!
13 August 2008
Inspire Space Park
Cord Beattie
A new Sub? Not quite!
In terms of Scond Life I know Cord for ages. I met her, when I was dancing with Markie at Kailywulf's Latex Party in Summer last year. Cord was there, together with her Sister Susi. She was dressed like a slave, so she wore Real Restraint seriuos shackles. For what reason ever, Cord or Susi forgot to take the keys from the shackles - so it was my pleasure to take them....
I gave them back to her Mistress, of course. Her name is Diana Sicling, and she became a close friend of mine.
For personal reasons, Cord's and Diana's ways parted and Cord asked me to become my sub. As I know her for so long - and liked her very much - I said yes, of course. Because Cord is a very well behaving, friendly, creative, loyal and very submissive sub, with a fine sense of black humor.
So we had a big collaring event on 30 July with a lot of friends, and to our surprise and big pleasure, even Diana showed up.
I'm happy that you are part of my family now, Cord! Stay in trouble!
-> Visit Cord's blog
09 August 2008
Long Time nothing posted.....
.... well since Markie left I didn't blog anything. But the last weks so many things changed and turned into new fun and experiences. So I'm gonna re-start this blog and will add some new stories...
... about my subbies Trevize, Cord and Marlene
... about my submissive soulmate Annie
... about my beloved partner and girlfriend Rot
... about Min, my everlasting friend and her approaches of building
... about the Junkyard Blues Club
... and more.... I hope :-)
22 November 2007
Robert and I made a new Video
Wanna see more? The original old fashioned footage? watch this Video:
Together with my friends from the german Band "Wir sind Helden" we made an adaption of this old Bob Dylan Video. Look at this:
Hope you enjoyed it :-)
15 November 2007
Identity Card
Finally - my new Identity Card is finished and have received it today. Cool, now i can travel from one Sim to another without any problems!
If you also need an Bundespersonalausweis, vulgo Identity Card, jump to http://www.onlinewahn.de/generator/index.htm
25 August 2007
11 August 2007
Dancing the night away...
10 August 2007
Markie Reifsnider
On 5th August it happend: Markie and Klip promised to be a couple for eternity. While Markie alread wore Klips collar since begin of their friendship, I decided to do the same to show her my deep committment to her. Even though she never may use the capabilities of this collar, she owns me completely as I own her. We had a private ceremony in a beautiful garden, and since it was very private and nobody was with us, I would like to share a single photo with you, which we took afterwards.
Kisses, Klip